Fáilte chuig leinstergaa.ie - suíomh oifigiúil Comhairle Laighean CLG

Below is a full list of all of our TURAS Hurling Resources. These resources cover the complete journey of the player from Child right through to their final years of Youth activity.


Youth Hurling Resource Ages 14-17

Child Hurling Resource Ages 7-13

Primary School Resource Ages 5-13

Camp Activities Ages 6-13

Player Pathway Cards Ages 4-17

Comic Book Resource

Rainy Day Activities Ages 5-13

Carlow GAA
Dublin GAA
Kildare GAA
Kilkenny GAA
Laois GAA
Longford GAA
Louth GAA
Meath GAA
Offaly GAA
Westmeath GAA
Wexford GAA
Wicklow GAA